laugardagur, apríl 24, 2004

Þetta fékk ég út úr the right job prófinu hjá þeim vona að þetta sé eitthvað réttara en hin útkoman.

Personable and Creative

You are a true generator of original thoughts. You're equally as good at spinning old ideas as you are at projecting what might be possible in the future.

Your compassionate nature draws people to you. You are particularly intuitive when it comes to reading certain people. And because of your social smarts, people tend to like being around you. That's part of the power you bring to work. However, unless you're in the right job, these talents won't be recognized and rewarded.

Og þetta kom út úr hinu atvinnuprófinu:

Gudny, based on your responses, your top career area is Medicine and Health

Careers in this field usually demand a genuine interest in helping people, and require excellent communication skills, especially when discussing sensitive subjects related to personal health. Most likely, you have an interest in improving other people's lives, and being in a career that you know will truly make a difference.

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